Beginnings #NuptialNarratives
The car came to a slow halt by the roadside. We stepped out and walked to the ice-cream vendor. Taking all the time in the world we settled for two ice-creams, Kulfi for me and Cornetto for him, our usual since ever.
We walked back to the car and stood by it, to relish our little celebration. We clinked together our ice-cream and said in unison, “Cheers to our friendship!” That was our style. Celebrating happiness in little ways. We stood there quietly, enjoying the monsoon breeze while it started drizzling silently. We stayed as we were, savouring our ice-creams and once in a while taking a bite from each other’s too.
A group of two girls and a guy stopped at the vendor and quarrelled amongst themselves while deciding the ice-creams. I smiled looking at them, fondly remembering my days from college-hood. I shared my little anecdotes with him, taking him for a ride into my memories. He smiled looking at me, enjoying my non-stop chattering.
“Remember the time when we shared the first ice-cream at Naturals?” he asked, breaking the silence. We had finished our ice-creams and started to stroll around. It was too good a weather today to return so soon.
“Ofcourse yes! Mine was Sitaphal and yours was Chikoo flavour”, I replied almost instantly. That was years ago, a time before we became a couple, the time our friendship began.
“Do you remember what was the occasion?” I chirped, as we strolled back towards our car.
“We were celebrating completion of your probation, sailing through the drama”, he replied and laughed out loud. I made a face, but it was his favorite joke from the yesteryears.
“Yea! And probably that started our tradition of little celebrations, right?” I spoke.
He continued smiling as he unlocked our car. We hopped back in and smoothly glided towards home.
The wind from the window threw my hair hay-wire and took my thoughts for a ride too. They flew to the time years ago, diving into the memories. I smiled to think about the little things our friendship was based on. How these celebrations were the moments of happiness and companionship. How these moments engraved a trust and harbored friendship that would last a lifetime. Isn’t this what friendship is?
A string of little moments tied with the string of time.
‘This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.’

these little moments make like even more precious. Such a sweet story
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wonderful moment.