5 Things Para-Sailing Taught Me
It’s been almost two years now when I had gone for para-sailing. But I’m sure that if I close my eyes now and think about the experience, I still remember it as if it happened a day ago; thanks to my photographic memory. It surely is one of the experiences that I wouldn’t ever forget. But apart from the exhilarating experience that it was, it also taught me a few things. I can easily call it the shortest yet the most important lesson of my life and that was : TO LIVE.

What 5 minutes of para-sailing taught me?
Live in the Moment.
I remember exactly how it felt in the start, in the initial moments of para-sailing. I was scared as hell and worried what if I fell, with all the deep sea beneath me and being no expert at swimming it seemed like I had invited myself to die.But as the initial fear faded off and I trusted my safety bondages, letting go of my tight grip on my belts, I looked around and took in the breath-taking view. It was amazing. But amidst all the tension I had wasted precious minutes of a beautiful experience. It was only towards the end of it did I realize that I could have enjoyed so much more had I lived in the moment just then and worried about the what-ifs.
Adventures of Life exist outside of our comfort zone.
A part of me has always loved adventures, whether I admitted to it or not. May be I myself was quite unaware of it until sometime ago. But then the feeling of adventure as we know it can never be achieved in our very cosy and comforting zone. We need to get out of it to experience something different. Yes, I was scared to get out of mine to try it but then I decide to go for it. Had I not done it, I wouldn’t be writing this telling you how wonderful feeling of flying it was. Yes, it’s scary and uncomfortable at first but then it’s beautiful afterwards!
Don’t Wait For The Right Time.
In those moments of fear when I worried I would die, a list of people passed through my head whom I hadn’t talked to in while or told the ones I did that how much I love them and miss them in my life; another list of things popped up telling me that there were so many things I am still left to do, dreams that are still left to pursue… I realized that there won’t be the right time for any of these things. I realized we waste too much time wasting for the right time when we should be actually making time right.
Let Go Of Your Fears.
You know, I am scared of deep waters. I think most of us are but then it’s me I am talking about here 😛 So to go and take up a chance at para-sailing was something my sane-self wouldn’t suggest me. My mom particularly wasn’t keen on that either. But I think at time that I just did let go of my fear and meanwhile adrenaline fueled up my adventurous-self. See, I got so many lessons to take back by letting go of my fear for just five minutes. ( Yeah, I know it was just five minutes I’m bragging about!)
Your Family Will Always Have Your Back.
We all have our bittersweet moments with our families. But no matter where you stand (or fly) in life, they will always have your back. As I just said, my mom wasn’t very keen on me trying this out but she supported me despite her fears. Dad didn’t show it either that he was scared too but smiled at me encouragingly. That’s where I got my strength from, to let go of my worries ( though the worries returned the moment I was off the deck of the ship).
You Might Inspire Someone. (This was a bonus!)
Okay, this is not a lesson but still we all want to inspire someone atleast once in our life. To hear it from someone that something you did or said inspired them could be the most wonderful thing you hear about yourself. This was something I saw in my sister’s eyes when I landed back to the deck. To be someone who could inspire some else, is surely one of the best things you can be! Trust me on that!

I know, that’s a lot of things that happened within the flash of 5 minutes in the air over the ocean but then that’s way our brains work sometimes ( most of the times in my case), at the super-sonic speed. So, that’s my story of getting out of my comfort zone, what’s yours?
‘This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.’
Such sound advice! I loved reading this one. I hope to do parasailing one day, it’s on my bucket list.
Surely! You must give it a try once! You’ll love it!
Nibha recently wrote…5 Things Para-Sailing Taught Me
Is this in Goa… That’s where I did parasailing as well. Yes, that feeling of being in the air, above water does make you feel alive… To live fearlessly and explore more of this beautiful world. Thanks for sharing your beautiful lessons and experience
Rajlakshmi recently wrote…5 things I did last Week
No, This was Pattaya, Thailand. Exactly! The feeling was totally wonderful, as we could fly!
Nibha recently wrote…5 Things Para-Sailing Taught Me
Oh I did it once too, in Dapoli. Unlike you I was too scared to enjoy the ride or think of lessons. The height is what got to me. I must try it again now that I am convinced it’s safe.
Beat About the Book recently wrote…What’s the deal with Walliams, Allen and the like?
I did it in Pattaya, Thailand. Oh you should try it once again. I would love to do it myself. Now that you have done it before, you won’t as scared as the first time! 🙂 Thanks for reading!
Nibha recently wrote…5 Things Para-Sailing Taught Me
I know what you mean about the lessons and they did resonate with me though I failed to scuba dive. I haven’t tried this adventure before. But I may knowing that this would be a free me above water. Lovely post!
P.S. Read this when you get time – happinessandfood.com/a-dive-to-remember/
Parul Thakur recently wrote…Let’s spill the beans #AtoZChallenge
Oh it was awesome! I would recommend you to try it once. Scuba, I’m not sure if I would be able to do it myself! A little scary that seems to be!
Nibha recently wrote…5 Things Para-Sailing Taught Me