Metro Diaries – Book Review
Author: Namrata
Paperback: 162 pages
Publisher: Revelation House Books (March 4th 2015)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 9381841616
ISBN-13: 9789381841617
Genre: Short Stories, Romance
About The Book:
About The Author:
My Take:
The book was lovely bedtime read. It was one of those books which you can pick up at the end of a tiring day at work and feel the love of those words take away all the worries. It’s one of those books that leave you drenched with love longing for more. The book not only tells the tales of love that have a happy ending but also shares the pain when often love leaves us. The array of emotions Love makes us feel, can be felt through the stories of this book.
The characters in the story aren’t make believe. They are people captured and pulled out of the world around us and placed in the stories. The stories and characters are relate-able. A reader is bound to feel connected with the stories at any point of time. The reader might have experienced the same or have seen someone experience the same. The pain, the happiness, the bliss, the hope, the sadness, the loneliness, almost everything is there in this book. The tales aren’t new but the regular instances of love that we often observe in the life around us. A reader can feel the warmth of love through the words that express love so beautifully. It leaves the reader feeling loved.
If you are a hopeless romantic (like me) then sure do go ahead and pick up this book as your next.
My Rating:
And now I’ll leave you with a few lines from the book that touched my heart…
“Because you are a dream and dreams are always beautiful. They always make you smile even if they don’t turn into a reality.”
” Amongst this ugliness, there will only be one heart that will be able to sing back the song your heart wants to hear, and the day you find that heart, never let it go at any cost…”
“when things are destined to go wrong nothing can help it.”
“Love, is perhaps the most misused, misunderstood and misinterpreted term in today’s times” (My Favourite)
“Though her heart wished and hoped, somewhere in the confines of her mind, she knew perhaps it would never happen. For she had always been one who could easily go unnoticed in a crowd; then how would love notice her!”
“Loving does not guarantee anything in return, not even love. “
“The day you know the reason for loving someone is the day that love no longer remains. For love needs no reason to survive”
Here’s where you can grab a copy for yourself:

A hopeless romantic here Nibha 😀 Waiting to read this one.
Wow 😀 I am grinning like a Cheshire cat after reading this review! Thank you so much for this, as an author nothing else can match the joy of such lovely words 🙂