Where Art Thou?

In the darkness of night,
I looked for you here and there…
But you were hidden beyond my sight,
And I couldn’t find you anywhere.

When I missed you so much,
And I felt so alone..
I had no one to my company,
Except a chocolate ice cream cone!

They took you to a place,
Far away from me..
I wanted you unlocked,
But couldn’t find the key!

I wish I could do anything,
To save you my ally..
May be I could hunger strike,
Or walk a protest rally.

My mind is full of questions,
What went wrong and how…
Answer me, dearest Maggi,
Why you hide and where art thou??

On the occasion of Friendship Day, this poem may sound a bit strange but hold on, isn’t a month ago Maggi was one of our dearest friends. So isn’t it only apt that today we might miss it a bit more than any other day. I know, the logic seems to be weird enough to be not considered. But wait a minute and give it a little thought, over the years it (Maggi) has been an indispensable part of any Friendship! It helped strangers to form a bond! It was a saviour in loneliness to some just like chocolates and icecreams are to some! So why not a little tribute to the friendship that has been lost! 😉  Anyways, that was my way of reminiscing all the memories of friendship over the years, and Maggi was surely a big part of it!


Linking with Wordy Wednesday Prompt @ B-A-R 

Credits : Inderpreet Kaur Uppal
Credits : Inderpreet Kaur Uppal


16 thoughts on “Where Art Thou?

  1. Just read yesterday that Maggi will be back soon! So, you will be united with it sooon 😀

  2. 🙂 That was so sweet, Nibha! Though not a personal favourite, I do hope Maggi makes a comeback for you…soon!

  3. Haha!! While reading, I was thinking what you were upto 😀 And Maggi???? Psst..psst, she was my soul-mate during my hostel days!! Well written Nibha!

  4. I heard that it is making a comeback in India really really soon. That must cheer you up. 🙂

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