The Sunday Scroll #29
Hey everyone..
It’s almost end of July. I wonder where did the time fly. Last month this time I was neck deep in fun and now that fun seems to be far away. It’s already a month. Life has taken up its very own plan to follow, disobeying me every other day. Things just don’t happen the way I want them to! Here I am standing on the threshold of worklife, confused. The wait to wear that id around my neck never seem to get over and I still remain “Soon to be blue“. As if this uncertainty isn’t enough to play with my thoughts, people constantly bombard me with the questions “When are you joining? “, “Have you heard anything from the company yet?“, “Are you looking for job somewhere else too?” and the like. *Sigh* Poor me! I myself don’t know the answers to these questions and people look so expectantly at me!
I go totally clueless when people ask me, What do you do? I mean what do you call yourself when your stuck between student life and work-life? (If you know the answer, your help is much appreciated) You know what is the most frustrating question of all? It’s when someone asks, what are you doing?? Well, that’s a question I ask myself daily! What am I doing?? While studies are over and you wait for a job, what do you do with life??! It just goes on anyway, and so is mine I guess! 🙁 *Sighs again* There are things that goes on my mind every day but until I decide what to do, it’s already time to say goodnight. And well, I sleep, determined that tomorrow will be the day, a better one, a more useful one. But no, tomorrow never comes because by the time I wake up next morning, everything has been forgotten and the day starts all over again. Nothing catches my fancy except the daily chores that need to done.
So, basically I think Life is at a stand still right now. :/ At least until when the joining mailer decides to visit me someday in near or far future and wakes me up from my slumber and tells me that it’s time to run the race just like everyone else. Umm.. That’s also life, isn’t it. We just don’t like what we get and we are scared to try to get something we love. I wonder what are we scared of… Society? World? Neighbours? Family? Friends? Or just ourselves?? I guess we are afraid of everyone a little! What do you think??
The news from the other side of my life says that, the trials for enhancement of my culinary skills are still very much in progress where progress remains unknown to me! You can surely contact my mom regarding that! 😛 All I can tell you that is I have learnt to cook all of my favorites! An achievement for myself!
But hold on, I have another achievement to boast about and I hope I am allowed to do that! 😉 The news is that there’s now another blog “Realm of My Words” to accompany your very own “Expressions“. Why another blog? You might ask. It’s exclusively for the characters of my head to come alive and share their world with you! Interesting, isn’t it? So to celebrate this, a dear friend of mine turned up at my place this weekend. It was a solace to meet her and pour my heart out, especially after an awful midweek! Sometimes just the presence of someone is enough to soothe your nerves, isn’t it?
OMG! Now I see that , I realize how long this post turned out to be! Gosh! I again started ranting and didn’t even realize! If you are still here, thanks a lot for reading it!
How’s life for you these days? Is it good? Or do you accept whatever it offers? What did you do when Life was at a standstill for you? Do share your thoughts!
It seems you are restless and dissatisfied with your life in part NIbha. I say follow your heart and see where it guides you, whether it be through your new blog post – congrats! – and/or anything else that fancies you. Good luck and all the best! 🙂 <3
Thanks for the lovely advice and your wishes! 🙂
I enjoyed reading this rant so chill! Also, it was news to me that you are between being a student and getting to work. Well, we interact so much over each other’s blogs but simple personal things – we don’t know. All the best! I am sure days ahead will be much better.
Oh, then you must have missed my previous rants about leaving college and the likes 😛 😛
P.S. I guess this is somewhat a part of virtual connect, somethings are left unsaid and unknown! :/
I would say enjoy this phase between student life & work life, because soon you will be too busy and longing for a break. 🙂
As for the too-many-question-asking-people, just give them a smile & some silence 😛
Hehe! Nice advice there! I indeed follow this “Silence is Golden” rule! 🙂