Page One of Delhi Diary


A new year is fast growing old. But we are still in first month of the year so I guess it’s not yet old. Well, before January faded away, Country capital called me. A writer can escape everything but he/she can’t escape the urge to share his/her experiences whether good or bad. So the writer in me took out another diary to fill and named it Delhi Diaries. 

Today this writer sit back to write the page one of this diary.

It’s not day one here, but weekend one. The city welcomed this new bird on a foggy Wednesday morning, throwing chilly challenging waves her way! But she is determined to accept change as it comes. The initial few days have been a perfect blend of the feelings that occupy a heart whenever we visit a new place: Heart fluttering with the newness, Mind capturing the surroundings, Eyes observing the details… trying to make peace with the change to accept the city as a new home, atleast for a set of months. A new city brings with it its own new thrills.

Well, the city isn’t a total new to me but surely the city which have been a tourism spot so far has now become home. I landed as a full-time-house-guest at my relatives and was welcomed with utmost affection and open arms. And I smoothly escaped the struggles of being in a new city. The city is beginning to accept me and as I revert back the acceptance, I am getting merged in the crowd of the city. Initial days at work were full of joining formalities which without doubt included loads of wastage of time and endless waiting hours! Phew! The initial days also brought time to be spent with friends, both old and new, and catching up! One thing goes without saying, whether it’s gap of two months or two years, meeting friends is the best way to refresh and dust off the old memories while making some new ones!! 🙂

So cheers to coming new memories of life!!

Linking this to Write Tribe Problogger Challenge


8 thoughts on “Page One of Delhi Diary

  1. NIBHA, I think u r lucky enough to have good Home to enjoy the new year days.All the best & keep enjoying but there must be learning all around in ur mind.

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