Too Many Choices Or Just One?
Life is full of choices and the Choices we make, define us.
True?? Our choices define who we are, not what we could have been!! But what if we weren’t given the choices that distract us and lead us away from the path from the path of our dreams? Wouldn’t it be easier just to walk on the path we create for ourselves rather following the ones others created? I know it’s easier said than done. It’s not easy to refuse all the choices people give you and create your option.
It’s not easy to choose White when people give you only Pink or Blue to choose from.
People will warn you, trouble you, guide you, advise you and will do everything to make you chose one thing or the other. They will fill your life will so many choices but will force you to choose one! It makes me wonder then why so many choices in the first place. Choices!! Since Childhood I was given too many. From colors to careers. And I accept that so many choices did confuse me. But those choices were below the line of expectations of good grades. Yes, I got them too, fortunately, always. But did that ease my path? No, it increased more expectations!! Isn’t that funny, if you fulfill one expectation, another set of expectations rise. It seems vicious exponential graph of expectations. I wanted to try painting where colors fascinated me, I wanted to write where words enchanted me, I wanted to design my own destiny, but these voices of my heart were often drowned by those expectations. Many said, focus on just one thing, you can’t do everything. Some said, you can never sail in more than one boat at a time. Few said, why do you want to all this when you good grades! A number of people suggested me couple of options to choose from! Again too many choices! This ‘or’ that! That ‘or’ this? Confused I thought, What if I want this ‘and’ that too! So what did I do? I just said this-
They said, Jack of all trades,
Is master of none.
But what if I want everything,
Not just one?
My head can’t decide,
What my heart longs for!
A monotonic life isn’t my choice,
I want all shades of VIBGYOR!!
Horses of my Imagination,
I let them loose;
Creating my own world,
With the words I choose.
Back of my notebook showed,
Little wishes that I drew;
Of thousand dreams in my eyes,
And I will make them true.
All choices I denied,
To trace the footsteps ahead;
Deciding to walk alone,
On the path which only I led.

When you decide to follow your heart, you know you don’t need too many choices, you just need one: The choice of following your heart.
“This post is a part of #UseYourAnd activity at BlogAdda in association with Gillette Venus“
I’m a Write Tribe Problogger.
Indeed. And hats off to you for choosing to walk down your own path. Good luck!
Thanks Sid! 🙂
Oh, did you change your blog layout or theme by the way? I’m sure it was slightly different earlier.
Yes I did! New year brought new changes with it! 😛
Phew! Finally someone notices the change… feels good 😛
Courage for believing in your choice to walk your path. That’s matters the most:)
Yes indeed! Courage is of utmost importance!!
Good choice. Like they say, follow your heart. It is the only compass you will need! Good luck for the contest, Nibha!
It took me a long time to learn this life lesson… for me, people pleasing was a major thing earlier. And that got me into so much trouble… choosing to just do what I want and be true to myself was so darn liberating!
Your efforts and determination will bring you many accoldes. Gud uck.
Beautifully written.
lovely one with lots of positivity in it 🙂
I loved what you wrote. If only we’d learn to listen to our heart the choices would become simple.
It takes courage to walk this path and I applaud you! it has always been my choice, as well. Cheers!
Great!! Cheers to our choices!! Welcome here at Expressions Debbie!! 🙂
Just one and that is to walk our own path 🙂