Somethings Go Missing Forever… But A Few Things Stay!
December is here today. Being my Birthday month it usually brings so much excitement and happiness (Yes, I still get happy and excited when birthday approaches, what’s wrong in that?? ) but this time there are few things that November took away and December can’t bring them back, infact nothing can!
Life which was full of drama, excitement, happiness, sadness, frustration, fun, anger, disappointment, surprises; has now suddenly come to an abrupt halt. It’s like silence all around with only voices in the head to break it.
It’s been more than 10 days that college ended with the last semester exam and what followed was creation and collection of memories with a week full of pure fun and nothing else. Everything else was literally put on hold (and so was this post). But during this quest of holding on to each and every moment, a few things slipped away never to return.
College Life: Yes, it ended. So with it ended with it the era of countless bunks, canteen chitchats, assignments, exams, proxies, projects, presentations, deadlines, pointless drama, reasonless parties, constant teasing, silly Truths and not-so-daring Dares, forever friendships, pampering each other, fulfilling each other’s little wishes, shopping trips, exploring new places, crazy photoshoots, CCDs, Maggi, not-so-perfect-advices, sweet and bitter experiences, smiles and tears.. The list is endless….
Another phase of life that ended is Hostel Life: It was a totally different life style when I had moved out of home but slowly it was routine. Soon my life was full of friends that became family, sorrows that turned to laughter, Maggi that became staple diet, not-so-edible food of mess, sleepless nights full of chatter, endless late night gossips, spending hours in room other than mine, fights, homesick moments, politics, night-long parties, birthday celebrations, heartbreak stories, silly games, random confessions, weird revelations and much more. This ended as I stepped out with my luggage but my bag wasn’t only full of books and clothes, instead I stepped out with my life full of love and friends and the memories that I will forever cherish.
But it’s not like everything has gone. Few things have stuck with me to be there in the next level of this game called Life. May be not where I am but surely in my heart.
This phase indeed taught me lessons for life, which will stay forever in my heart, a few of them are these:
>> Adjustment is the key to survival, especially at a new place.
>> Words aren’t always enough, you need actions to prove them too.
>> A person isn’t what he/she might seem to be. There are so many layers, you just need to dig deeper. You might find someone similar to yourself.
>> Changing yourself isn’t easy but sometimes this is the only option.
>> Yet, don’t change yourself to the extent that your Originality vanishes.
>> Value your uniqueness yourself first, other will value it too.
>> Only your True Friends will accept you as you are.
>> Apologize easily. It’s the person and the relationship that matters not the mistake, isn’t it?
>> Patience. It’s the ultimate virtue that comes in handy while dealing with anyone to everyone.
>> Anger never sets the things right, it messes them.
>> Be a good listener. Sometimes all a person needs is a hand to hold and a heart to listen. Just be there. It works like magic.
Apart from these lessons, what will always stay is the memories I made in these years. Memories that will sometime slow me down and will sometime urge me to move forward. Then the friends I made will stay in my heart forever, their selfless love and support will always guide me towards the path of success and I also wish them the same.
Now when it’s time to turn the page to write new chapter of my life, I so want to keep re-reading the chapter that just ended. Life seems to be standstill right now, atleast for a few days. It’s like void, silence is deafening, memories are making me both smile and cry at the same time, it isn’t easy to let go so I am letting it stay.
It’s like Clock ticked a little faster just when I wanted to hold on each moment a little longer!!
And this is how it feels!!
Wow! Some real facts that you have mentioned which a person experiences once after one steps out of home to lead a new life.
Thanks umang! I know you can relate to it 🙂
Sometimes, you need to leave your comfort zone to learn the more important lessons. Good luck 🙂
Thanks Sid. Yah more to journey of life, more to new lessons!
I love your advice!
-I need to leave my comfort zone…..
Glad you liked it 🙂
It happens to all…We need to give up something that we are comfortable with for changes, for new beginnings…All the best
Thanks… fingers crossed for new beginnings!
Good points raised. When we leave the comfort of our house and face the world, we have to chage some of our principles.
Exactly.. many new things i learnt and changes a few old ones!
Very valuable and wise lessons you learned Nibha: good for you! And congrats on completing your college education! ..though I’m curious…in what?! 😉 <3
Thank you so much. I completed my masters in computer applications
Congrats on completing your education. Life awaits! Good luck and prosper my friend! ♥
Thanks a ton! I hope this new life brings new colors
College life is the most fun!! We always miss it!
Change is good and you have some great quotes there.
Yah it’s just a week and I am already missing it!
Beautiful learnings. The college and hostel life is the best of all!! That graduation song was like a national anthem during my final year 😛
So true!! i have already started missing it! I just love that song.. it perfectly resonates the feelings
I know exactly what you feel. Infact I have also written something similar long back. ( ) … But as you said there’s always another phase of life… which you will enjoy so much and will make more memorable memories every day. 🙂
Thanks. Will surely hop over yours. Yah waiting for new memories.