The Sunday Scroll #16 – Miss You Naanu
Hi all,
They say home is where heart is. Is it true?? May be it is but since the time I have moved out for higher education, it seems that I’m living a dual life. One at college and the other at home. And as a result of these two lives, none of them leaves me in peace. I guess, other people like who are away from home (working or studying) will agree with me and will know what I am trying to say. Your heart is constantly at two places and your mind constantly thinks of being at the place you are not.
Well it’s been two weeks I’m back from home (Travelling alone in Indian train is still a challenging situation :/ ). And have been doing completely nothing. First week was eaten up by the class tests (yes, we still have them at the college level 🙁 ) And the seond week I wasted it myself doing what, I myself don’t know about. I guess talking to that one person we all writers always talk to. Yes, you might have guessed it if you are of the same bunch of people. Talking to ourselves, trying to sort out the priorities in life about people, dreams and goals. But trust me I have got no where and Life still seems to be standing where it was a month ago and I still stand to look at it confused.
But apart from this confusion, Life offered me some unexpected beautiful moments: Unplanned treats for silly reasons (yes, friends can make you shell out the money on the silliest of your not-worth-mentioning-achievements ), Random outings, A beautiful rainbow when life seemed dull (pic below), happy news from friends living miles across and so on.

But today is a different day.Prolonged postponing of writing something had made me lazy. But thoughts of someone close pushed me out of shell and here I am sitting in front of my laptop typing out my feelings. Yes, that someone close is none other than my Grandpa (Naanu, I always called him). He left us to join the stars three years back. Today marks the day of his departure, three years back. He used to love writing. My Grandma still have his writings. He wrote wonderfully. May that’s where I got my Gift of words from. I wish he could read what I wrote. He would have me so proud so see my little achievements and watching me go touching new horizons.
I remember the times when I visited the place he would fill the kitchen will all my and mom’s favourite dishes. His age never bothered him or stopped him from fulfilling our desires. He would plan outings with us. Time spent with him was always fun. I miss him so much 🙁 Naanu, the home without you feels so empty. The color you added with your presence has gone missing. But I know in our hearts you will always live. The flowers you planted not only bloomed in your garden but will continue to spread the fragance in our lives forever. Love you and miss you so much!! 🙁 <3
Well that was me this side, what’s up on your side?? Do share!
Until Next Sunday,
Keep Smiling!
Dear Nibha u wrote well our feelings…
We all thanks Grandpa for his affection showered to all of us…we miss a lot….
Nibha this is such an heartfelt post and I know both your Nana Nani would be very proud of you today! Hugs! 🙂
I know what you mean…I miss my grandmother too..But that’s life, hold on to his memories and keep going..
And I understand what you mean about leading a dual life..It’s like we don’t know where we actually belong sometimes…Our heart wants to be everywhere but that’s not possible right
I miss my grandfather too. More recently, my uncle actually. He was the word wizard in the family. I can relate to your pain.
What a beautiful tribute to your grandpa, Nibha, You are lucky to have such wonderful memories. I also loved the opening of your post – about a dual life. For seven years we lived in two worlds – most of the year in Melbourne, Australia and twice a year we would come home to Israel. What always amazed me was how easily we slipped in and out of two totally different lives: daily routine, the people we interacted with, the demands on our time. Enjoy both of your worlds.
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Beautiful words for your Naanu… I never got a chance to be close with mine.