Dear Parents || 30 Letter Series
Hi Everyone!
For the love of letters I decided to join in the 30 Letter series which I happen to stumble upon through Santulan’s blog. It instantly caught my fancy. But the idea of committing myself to writing a letter each day of the month was quite uninviting. So, i simply decided to bend the rules a little and made it A Letter A Week.
So I want to invite you all to join in this challenge and have some fun! Will you board the Train of Letters??
SO let’s get started with the third letter. Letter to Parents.
Dear Parents,
I know it’s been long since the last letter I wrote to you. As the technology took over, daily phone calls pushed away the letters in the corner. But here’s one, because I know you both love reading them.
It’s not so often that I tell you but I Love you the most. Since the day I was born, you are only ones whom I had known to be the ultimate figure of Love and Care. I know I get unreasonable and demanding at times, at times rude too, but it doesn’t in the least alters the feeling of love for you deep in my heart. I know I wasn’t an easy child ever, though not naughty but I had the issues of my own 😉 😛 I always wanted to have my way, and being the first-born, I almost always had it.
You raised me as your little princess and yet taught me how to be stronger to face the uncertainty of Life and fight like a Prince. You stood like pillar behind me whenever I needed someone to lean on. You were there when I needed a shoulder to cry on. You taught me to go out and explore life. You knew wherever I will go, I will always come back to you. Yes I knew that too. Whenever I needed guidance I knew you will always be there forever. Your undying love and unsuspecting trust encouraged me reach new horizons. You knew that whatever happens, how wrong I might go but I would never hide anything from you.
You fulfilled my every single wish even before I said it. It was like you read my mind. I know how haughty I would become and took decisions just to have my life my way but you always supported me. You encouraged me to chase my dreams whatsoever.
A little Thank you won’t describe the gratitude I feel for having you in my life. But I want to let you know that no matter how old I grow up, I still want to be your little princess.
There are still so many things left unsaid but I guess you know them already. 😉 :* :*
*Hugs and Kisses*
<3 Love you Mumma & Papa <3
With loads of Love,

There are so many things we want to say to them but most of the times we don’t. Here’s a chance you have, grab it.
Post in your letters here..
Very very true…..while reading your letter I felt as as you’ve penned down my feelings. This shows that the emotions in this relationship are same for all….loved reading it!
I can imagine how your parents feel! Glorious feeling – much richer and deeper than any text message. Over the years I have received a few from my kids and they have always been a reassurance that I must’ve done something right! HUGS <3
I love the idea of this challenge and just started doing it. I will be doing one letter a week, I linked up with you. My first letter is done to my best friend.
How sweet. I am sure your parents are going to love what you have written here!