Thirst of a Shopaholic
Do I want to go shopping?
Err..Umm.. Yes..or.. No!
Yes I want to shop it all
But don’t know where to go!
To buy all that I want
Would be such a sweet bliss!
With all sale and discounts
How could I give it a miss!
That red pair of stilettos
Makes me go wow!
It’s the classy black dress,
That I want right now!
That beautiful diamond necklace
The showroom proudly displays.
It’s the game of brands,
With emotions of my heart it plays!
All those fancy gadgets
They put to tantalize.
My greed for new books
Nobody does ever empathize.
The wishlist never ends
But grows like fire.
Please Take me shopping
To fulfill my every desire.

Linking this to Poetry Jam Prompt- Thirst
Ultimate Blog Challenge- Day 4
A typical girly wish! I wish the same in fact! I wish somebody could take you shopping to fulfill all your desires :p
This cosmatic world always lure all to fun
With shopies …& pass the time in these
Materials …but think abt ultimate gain at last.
🙂 Lovely!! I was thinking about myself throughout 😛
Why is shopping so much fun? 🙂 Loved the poem
Carol @ Battered Hope
Your poem made me wonder want we would thirst for if we could have everything we wanted.
Aha aha..m a guy and love retail therapy to set the mood rightish:)
I love shopping and adored your poem 🙂
Ha, this made me smile. I think this is the ‘thirst’ that many share. Ha, I would take a few books & a few gadgets, but will stay away from those red stilettos! Thanks for taking part in Poetry Jam!
Nice take on the prompt. Shopping is not my thing anymore… but then again, if I didn’t have to worry so much about money it just might be.
This is like a helping hand on spending. I’m a bankrobaholic. 🙂
ha. i can honestly say, i don not thirst for most shopping…unless we are going to the book store…ha…i dont mind going with my wife, though i often take a book while i wait as she is in the dressing room…or exploring with my boys until she is ready to show off for us.
Love your shopping wish, Nibha! I enjoy it and can identify with it! 😀
Lovely poem!! You’ve made this shopaholic very happy 🙂
aha shopping thirst! I am a shopaholic too and this poem made me feel like I want to go shopping now!
aww…seems you’re on a shopping spree…a delightful poem 🙂
Very poetic expression of a mundane activity! Good job 🙂
I hear you girl, I hear you… 🙂 I need a shopping partner… real bad 🙂
Shopping and desire, very nice take on the prompt.
Wooha so you’re also a shopaholic! I can totally relate myself to this – in fact, I must confess it made me smile from the very first line. A really original take on the prompt! I just love it!
Phew, I just cleared my credit card debt and assassinated my inner shoppaholic. Now I shop in a guarded fashion and only with my debit card. Money in money out. This was a tantalizing poem indeed. I think I need some new writing materials. :0)