Bidding Adieu
Soon the last year of post-graduation will commence or should I say last year of education which will mark the end of college life as well! 🙁 This sure means a beginning of New phase of life but it does saddens the heart that these fun days won’t come back. As the last year starts, it will launch the series of moments and events that will be tagged with the prefix-last: the last semester,last exam, last bunk, last birthday celebration at hostel, last movie together, last Maggi and the list in unending as these last moments will be made special to be etched into our memories forever.
Let these moments not steal the glory due to Mr M today. Today is his day. I had bid him goodbye already but this farewell was long due. It was officially my last mathematics exam in the semester that went by, that means I would never see Mr Mathematics ever again. Yes, Mr Mathematics is my Mr M.
I was first introduced to Mr M when my mom decided that I was big enough to learn the numbers. Official introduction came much later when I joined school and ever since then I have been friends with him. i know most of you might be shaking your heads in denial but it was when Mr M seemed as a monster to most of the children, I was already friends with him. He was my most reliable refuge especially when I was upset or angry. Solving Mr M’s problems I would forget my own and hence my mood would brighten up.
In later schooling days, he became my first love undoubtedly. When most of the girls disliked (even hated) him for his complex and hard to understand nature, I was always seen spending time with him in my spare moments. As said, he was my first love therefore I was blindly loyal to him helping him to find his treasured “x”! Usually people said that Mr M was mainly popular among boys, but being an exception to every rule since childhood I decided to prove them wrong and made him my best buddy.
Before I left school and entered graduation I had already met the family of Mr M. I never knew Mr M had such a large family: Mr Statistics, Mr Probability, Ms Algebra, Mr Calculus, just to name a few. As I slowly came to know them I found them equally interesting. Her sister, Ms Algebra was always my favorite. Mr Calculus seemed to be tough at first but life became easy once I knew him well. Mr Probability always confused me and situation was quite the same with Mrs Trigonometry. But on the whole, Mr M and family was a complete package.
As you know teenage love doesn’t always survive for long, same happened with Mr M. Mr M lost his charm before I knew it and the love of Arts, crafts and writing took over. But as I finally bid an official goodbye to Mr M, I realized how fond I was of Mr M. I know that he will find ways to keep in touch with me over and over again throughout my life. But the thought of having him or his family no more by my side as always it used to be, surely gives me heartache. Looking back I realize how empty my life would have been without him.
Bid Adieu, My beloved Mr M. You will be always missed.
Linking this to Ultimate Blog Challenge- Day 3
College life are the best days and unadulterated fun..had the same feeling when it was getting over…a new life awaits you. Btw, I am not really friend with Mr M.
Afraid how this new life would be! :/
Just embrace it. u will discover ur full potential in this harsh and ruthless world filled with good people.manipulators and what’s not. You will develop thick skin and go with the flow:)
Yah looking forward to these times ahead! Lets what’s in store!
you took me years back the best days of my life college.. if only i had studied then too .. but I was very big friends with Mr. M.. yess thats the only subject I enjoyed and got good marks 🙂
I loved it too!
Oh. Long time since I met Mr. M but yes, had a lot of fun reading him 😉 Some of my classmates used to come to me for getting Math doubts solved 😀
Ditto! I too solved problems of many
That was fun how you personified Math as Mr. M. Glad you were such good friends with Mr. M. He and I never got along. A fun piece!
Oh, I just loved him! 🙂 Thank you so much 🙂
I envy you – Mr. M and I are definitely NOT friends! 😉
we are best of friends ! 🙂
My first love was Mr. M! after a period of intense hatred, we became best of buddies!!
I miss Mathematics as a subject too!
College life is the best! Have loads of fun and make lots of memories 🙂
I loved doing mathematical sums… long time since I met Mr M. Last years are always special. I know you will cherish those memories forever
Mr M was not my favorite… You re creating good memories dear. Cherish:-)
i loved and still love Mr. M.. bt he abandoned me after 4th sem 😛 that was the last I saw him.. I so wish he hadnt :- bt life moves on 😉
creative post this was nibhz 😀