That Sweet Memory – Guest Post

Hi all,
I never knew that sometimes people who randomly cross your path in life will become such an important part of your life. I never knew that one could find a person so similar in every respect without even having met once in life. You must be wondering why am I talking all this stuff right now. Because recently during the A-Z challenge a person crossed my path and before I knew it, we became best of friends! So what made us click instantly together was the desperation to find someone exactly in the same shoes as we were in, and hence we found each other. And from then till now, there hasn’t a gone a single day that something or the other didn’t sync. If it’s us then something has to sync. I’m glad Life made me witness such a friendship that I have never experienced before! If soulmates are made in heaven then definitely friendships are destined too. People who are meant to be your friends will find a way in your life.

So not keeping much suspense I introduce you to my dearest friend- Swathi. I wanted to do something special for her so I found a way to celebrate her birthday. Yes, She is the Birthday Girl today!

Happy Birthday

While people of her age are still uncertain what they want to do with their lives, She is fearlessly following her passion of writing with a brave heart! Along with writing, novels keeps her hooked. And the thing I most like about her is that she makes me laugh whenever I don’t even want to smile. She is sweet like a little sister. As she leaves behind her teen-life and enters new exciting decade of her life, I wish her all the success that she wish for.

Memories always make us smile. On this beautiful occasion, I asked her to share one of her childhood memories. So here’s a piece of her life; read on and enjoy!


Memories play a strange role in our life. They make us laugh remembering the times we cried and cry over the times we laughed. I remember one such incident remembering which always makes me laugh. I was a stubborn child, demanding my mom’s attention all the time. I still remember the day from my childhood when I had been to a family function. The function was in ground floor and lunch arrangements were made in the first floor. I don’t know what it is about the lunch at functions; even before the function is complete, all the aunties rush towards the dining room as if the path between the hall and dining room is the Olympics track and the first one to reach would be rewarded with medal (and in this case, a seat for the first round of lunch) All the elegance they carry during the function will vanish into thin air during this time.

So during one such Olympic race, oops, race to hold a place in the dining hall, I went missing or rather, my mom missed me on the steps. One moment I was holding mom’s green saree edge and the next moment I saw, the saree edge was there but not my mom’s, but some other woman’s. I was scared on not finding my mom. This aunty smiled at me fondly showing all her teeth and scaring me more. She asked me where my mom was and I replied that she has been to lunch. She told she would take me to my mom but as I said I was stubborn. I didn’t want her to take me; I wanted my mom to come and get me. I was angry that she had left me alone in the first place. But the aunty was over helpful (or rather kind but little did I understand at that time) and thus lifted me off the ground despite of my cries of denial and took me to the dining hall. She found my mom and handed me over, smiling as my mom started to thank her with relief.

But her relief was short lived. I was not done. That aunty had picked me up against my wish and I was not at all pleased. So I did what I was best at; I cried. My mom tried to calm me but I was not buying any of it. I was creating so much fuss that everyone started giving us pointed looks. Tired of all this, finally she picked me up and went to the spot where she had left me off and from there we again walked up together hand in hand, me with a big smile of victory over my face and mom wearing a defeated expression. Needless to say, one of the fellow participants of the marathon had claimed our seat and we had to wait for almost an hour for the next round. But at least I had stopped crying!!


For more of her stories visit her HERE and shower her some love on her Birthday!!


With Lots of Love,

Keep Smiling 🙂

Swathi and Nibhz,

23 thoughts on “That Sweet Memory – Guest Post

  1. awwiieee nibhz ^_^ thank u sooo much darling <3 am blushing, smiling ear to ear n there are tears of joy in my eyes reading this post 🙂 this surely is a beautiful start for my day <3 thanks for having me on ur blog and more than that, thanks for being such a sweet friend 🙂 I am feeling lucky to have a friend like you 🙂 <3

  2. Wish you a very happy birthday Swathiiii!!! Loved your childhood memory and specially that line when your aunt smiled scaring you more . LOL. Keep it up!

    1. Thank you Umang 🙂 And well you can say I watched a lot of movies, which made me scared of her smile 😀 😉

  3. Haa! Ha!I can visualize the stubborn child. Made interesting read. And yes Nibha, People who are meant to be your friends will find a way in your life.

    1. Thanks Inderpreet 🙂 I can understand now how difficult it was for mom when she always remembers my childhood with both smiles and frowns 😀

  4. You naughty, naughty girls, Swati…but a great recount of the memories…am sure not one of those cherished moments for your mom, though 😛

    Happy Birthday, girl!

    1. Thank you 🙂 actually she does cherish it.. she loves telling me those stories 😀

    1. thanks pixie 🙂 and its not a were. i have carried on my naughtiness through teenage and now to my twenties 😀 thats a baggage i am nt letting go ever 😉

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