Last Day Of My Life??
It is 6 in the morning and I am suddenly awake with my head hurting real bad. I pick up my phone and write a long text describing the strange dream I just woke up from. As I’m about to send it to my best friend telling how my dreams are getting stranger day by day, I suddenly realize that it wasn’t a dream. It was the truth. The white that had come to take me away from the Land of Living was very much real. To believe it was real I had pinched myself real hard and I can still feel slight piercing pain in my left arm. Flashes of begging one more day to live so that I can say the final goodbyes come back to me.

This realization makes me wide awake. I put aside my phone and take a few deep breaths. What do I do now? How do I say Goodbye? Will they believe me if I say I won’t here few hours later? How will everyone react? Or should I keep it to myself and live the day as normally as I can? Questions like these are bombarding my brain. It will burst now. The clock is ticking and my heart is beating faster every second. I am having a strange sinking feeling in my stomach. Getting a bonus day to live suddenly seem to be bad idea.
I think of everyone I love and care about. My parents and siblings! I long to hug them instantly and tell them how much I love them. But sitting miles apart and thinking they won’t see me again ever, hurts. Even if I try I won’t be able to get home now. My Bestfriend who has been with me since my childhood, doesn’t she deserve to say final goodbye. Then there are friends who are far away who are as important to me as I am to them! And the ones with whom I spend my days? What do I do to make this last day of my life unforgettable for them?
I gulp down a glass of water but it doesn’t ease any of the feelings that I’m going through and a tear escapes. I don’t want to leave them. I think of all the unfinished business that has been procrastinated till today awaiting the tomorrow that will never come. I sit down to make the last “to-do list” of my life.
>>To call home and ask them to come over Skype ASAP
>>Skype again with BFF, with really long chat (I will have to hold back my tears all the time, it gonna be tough)
>>Calling far away friends and apologizing for anything I ever did wrong (I know that will make me sound weird but Tomorrow will give them all the answers)
>>Writing my last letters to everyone important in my life, telling how much lucky I was to have in my life and telling them whatever I never told them (because when speech failed me words were always loyal for written words said the what spoken words couldn’t)
>>Spending as much time I could with the friends, making them laugh (Leaving behind happy memories is always a better option!)
>>Will donate my stuff to the children who need it. (Nothing can be better than seeing someone smile and becoming the reason, before you die!)
>>Writing my last blog-post telling how I spent the last day of my life and biding adieu to the readers.
>>Then finally I will drag my friends to the roof top, and will gaze at the stars till I close my eyes for Eternal Sleep.
There are still so many tasks that I left out of the list not because they weren’t important but these were far more important than those. There are dreams which will now remain unfulfilled forever. There are goals that won’t be achieved. There are regrets unresolved. But it’s ok. I may have not been the been the best but I tried and it is all that matters. Now wasting much time now (because I don’t have much in the first place) I pick up my phone to call home- first task of the day, hoping to do everything in the list. It seems like a game to complete all tasks before alarm goes off, final and forever.
“Stop now! Time is up!”, said Anukriti strictly, “Show me what you wrote!”
“Ummm… This isn’t working Anu. I told you it won’t! I just can’t try anymore. Nothing is helping.”
Out of desperation a tear or two escaped and angrily I tore the paper and threw it away. Anukriti has been trying since days to bring back the writer in me, but failing daily. The writer in me has been long gone now with no intentions of returning I think.
This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.
Write Over the Weekend inspiration for this time
So, what would you do if you are told that today is the last day of your life? Will you hurriedly attempt to do everything in your bucket list or would you retrospect about life up till now, instead? Your blog post should start with the line, “It is 6 in the morning…”
Strangely enough I’ve never given this much thought. As in what would I do on the last day of my life. Probably because I am never good at planning. The only thing is that I don’t want to regret the chances that I didn’t take. So hopefully I wont 🙂 Nice post Nibha. You have aptly depicted the sort of feelings that “could” be going through a person’s mind under the scenario.
Thank you for appreciation, I’m glad you liked it. Indeed life is too short to regret for anything! 🙂
Often I think too especially because I am so far away from everyone here in uk.. but he idea of dieing right now or today does not frighten me.. because I have made arrangements already.. yes.. I have
I am not sure of it is good or bad but last year I had to go to india with ashes of a very good friend because he wanted to and since gis relqtives here were too absorbed in having a lool at his bank balance rather that fulfilling his wish.. I had to do ot..
So I did not want anything like that in my case..
Regrets well I am sure they will always be there becuase we wont be able to do all that we want to do on that last day..
And yeah I would take ot up and write on my place..
Thanks for sharing your experience Bikramjit. You said it rightly, there will always be some regrets because few things are always left undone!
I wish the hidden writer come out sson! Those were an obvious reactions when you come to know about your last day of life is today only! Written well!
I hope so too!! Thanks Umang 🙂
When I read this prompt, I thought I would write this post. But then I had so many thoughts and things that I wanted to write about, it would have become a reallly longggg post and hence I dropped the idea. You did it very well Nibha. In just the right amount of words, you brought out the emotions so well. Good one here 🙂
Thank you so much! I am happy that you like it. i wish you had written it, one always find the readers for the long posts! 😀
wish that writer would get bored of the vacation and comes in back running 😉 and after that, no more holidays allowed 😛
I hope so too!! Heehee!!
Very emotional and heartfelt, Nibha. Made me think about what I would do in those circumstances. Would be so hard to be faced with knowing it was the last day of your life. I think about it as I’ve been playing music at hospices lately and I wonder what it’s like knowing your days are numbered. When it gets down to it, everyone’s days are numbered but we just don’t know how many we will get. Makes you grateful for each day when you think of it like that.
Yes, someone has rightly said that live life as it’s your last day because don’t know when death comes for us! :/
Thanks for the visit! 🙂
it would be tough to say goodbye… but guess I would be happy to leave before everyone, coping with loss will be difficult. I loved how you expressed your feelings.
I know coping with loss is tougher than saying goodbyes! Thanks, I’m glad you liked it 🙂
Oye,, come back, you writer’s muse 🙂
You’ve written it so well, Nibhz 🙂 Lovely expressions of the last day. And the list seems so realistic, I must say !
Thank you so much. I’m glad I could succeed in keeping up to the prompt!