They Knew Not!

Sudden rustling of the tree leaves outside her bedroom window broke her slumber. She got up and closed the window, shutting out the outside noise. After having a glass of water she came back to her bed. But sleep denied her request of dreams. She lay there staring at the moving fan. Her thoughts running wild and she did nothing to stop them. Amidst these thoughts, a question caught her attention. She wondered, who am I!
She watched herself from a distance:
She was sitting there with friends, but seemed lost. She was staring into nothingness pondering over things uncountable and inexplicable. It was something different every time. Her escape from reality. To everyone her life seemed simple, not a single reason to be sad. But was it so? But they knew not what was missing! It’s so strange that people don’t know what they want in life and those who did know are the only ones who miss it everyday, every hour, every minute and every second of their lives.

She wondered what others read in her eyes-
Her eyes showed distant dreams and hopes. Her eyes would light up whenever she mentioned them, rarely. They knew not the talents they praised her for, her eyes has seen them wasted.

She wondered what was her story. She always said she didn’t have a story to tell. Was it so? Everyone has a story. But then why didn’t she share? She thought no one would understand. May be she was right or may be she just underestimated everyone. But can someone understand what other feels without going through that, may be not. That was her reason.
She wondered if anyone felt what her heart did. May be, afterall everyone is fighting their own battle, so may be they could relate. But there were things they certainly didn’t know.
They knew not that she could feel everything so deeply that she secretly wished to be heartless! Stone-hearted seemed a better option to her than the aching-heart at every little thing! Insensitivity was better than over-sensitivity. Is it? To her it surely was. But still she wore her heart up her sleeves.
They knew not that she was hurt more often than she showed. Little things would hurt her deep. No one knew the depth of the harm done.
They knew not that she cared more than she said.
They knew not that she heard more than they said.
They knew not that she noticed more than they knew.
They knew not that she had a recurring haunting dream everyday.
They knew not that she hated herself for not being one of them.
They knew not that she wished everyday she could change.
They knew not that it wasn’t like she had nothing to say but she just wanted them to hear what she couldn’t say.
They knew not that there is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside!
They just didn’t knew!

Write Tribe

This post has been written in response to the Write Tribe’s Wednesday Prompt:
Choose your favorite Maya Angelou quote on writing. Use it as your prompt to write a post.


0 thoughts on “They Knew Not!

  1. Most of the writers have an untold story… they find it difficult to voice it, so it takes the shape of words. People talk but very few listen. I loved your take on the prompt. Hope she will find the strength in herself, without needing anyone else to hear her story.

  2. Lovely quote and lovely plot weaved around it, nibha. Your writing is so gentle 🙂

    Looking within and finding answers there never goes wrong, I bet…hope she finds hers 🙂

  3. Nicely woven “untold” story around a beautiful quote. Like Kajal said, I like your gentle expression of the agony of this woman. May she find a voice in which to tell her story, even if she tells it only to herself.

  4. That was the very same quote I picked on hearing about the prompt!! Very well written, giving a voice to our innermost thoughts can feel very therapeutic.

  5. Well they do say that we only need to look inside , within ourself and we will find the answers.

    and sometimes it is good that THEY dont know , what we know ..

  6. That was a thought provoking nibha! Will others really care, will they understand? But again who are we to judge? Maybe they are having similar thoughts too! Lovely take on the prompt

  7. There’s so much that people don’t know… untold story is indeed there.
    Nicely expressed 🙂

  8. Oh yes, people dont know a lot of things…. hope she finds her voice to share her untold story sometimes! Beautifully written piece, Nibha!

  9. Sometimes untold stories are deeper and more meaningful than the spoken ones… beautiful, Nibhz 🙂

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