The Sunday Scroll #5 – Mother’s Day Special

Sunday Scroll

Hi all,

After skipping Sunday Scroll last week (as due to break from blogging) I’m finally back! 🙂 I have to be, where else would I be other than here! 😛

With newspapers, TV News, FB, Twitter flooded with Mother’s Day message, here’s yet another one. I gave a thought of skipping it but something held me back. Yes, my love for my darling Mom. (Here’s something I wrote for my modern mom last year). She indeed deserve a tribute. Like every mother is special to her child, so is mine. Then how can I possibly let go of any chance to show her that.

Love you Mom, This one is for you! Read On!

The Card I made for Mom on Mother’s Day 2014

But what to say that hasn’t already been said before? So, this might suffice:

What makes a mother Special?

No not any heroic deeds but all those little things she has been doing for years that we often don’t even notice. Its those little things which make mom special in her own way.

So, What did I do on her Special Day?

Well, I thought of making her feel special whole day but then I thought why only one day!! Why not make her feel special every day and let her know that I love her the same everyday.

What did I gift her today?

Umm… Giving gift is the new trend these days and I’m definitely not out of league. Unlike last year when I hadn’t let her in her kitchen (No, I didn’t create havoc, I’m a good girl na! 😛 😉 ) this year, I had something else in mind.

Over the years, our home has seen her beautiful differently styled paintings hanging on different walls but she always wanted to paint a canvas. Something always happened that held her back and she couldn’t try her hands on it. Well now that’s not for long. I have known her this particular since I was a child. As putting herself last is her second nature, her wish never came true. So I decided to make the wish come true for the person who always fulfilled my wishes (sometimes even before I know it)  🙂

Happy Mother’s Day MOM


My Favourite Pic of ours!
My Favourite Pic of ours!



23 thoughts on “The Sunday Scroll #5 – Mother’s Day Special

  1. aww dat was sooo sweet nibhz 🙂 especially fulfilling her dream of painting a canvas 🙂 happy mothers day to ur sweet mom 🙂

  2. That’s a sweet tribute to your mom, Nibha! And you have a beautiful handwriting and the picture of two of you is priceless, captures some beautiful expressions and emotions! ♥

  3. Another lovely tribute!! 🙂
    you have expressed your love and affection beautifully! 🙂

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