The Sunshine Award
When I was juggling between the blogging challenges and the semester projects (both the deadlines too close now), I needed urgent dose of inspiration to help me strike the balance between the two and enjoy the madness of the A-to-Z April Challenge that starts tomorrow!
Gauri @ Mind Brew, became my instant saviour. She nominated me for the SUNSHINE AWARD. This award, just like its name, lifted up my spirit and helped me regain the lost confidence.
Gauri is a dental surgeon by education and a blogger by passion. She loves sharing her recipes ( and DIY crafts that are really easy to make. I love reading her blog where she sahre her experiences from everyday life. Keep Spreading Love! You Rock!
Thank you so much for the Award
Rules Of The Sunshine Award
• Display the award on your blog.
• Show your gratitude and link back to the person who nominates you with the award.
• Nominate upto 10 of your favourite deserving “bloggers who positively and creatively inspire others in the blogosphere”.
• Link the nominees in your post and let them know they have been awarded.
• Write 10 interesting things about yourself.
My Nominations for this Awards are:
10 things about myself that you would find interesting… Umm.. Its so hard to write about myself but still doing the needful..
1. I live in the word of my own imagination and I perfectly love it.
2. I love reading books because living one life is just not enough for me (not my words, but suits me )
3. I love animated movies (I don’t care if I sound childish, its not a kids-thing anymore.. is it?)
4. I love clicking photos.
5. I love doing DIY.
6. I like the way how words can twist anyone’s emotions.
7. I believe in less but lifelong friends.
8. I am a big fan of Harry Potter. (You aren’t? You are missing out on a world full of magic! After reading it, you can never be same again, I bet!)
9. Here’s to my initiative with my mom- KraftCona (Giving way to the love of DIY)
10. And I can’t write anymore about myself!
Phew!! Finally done!! Yayie!! Now heading off to the celebration, catch you later!
Congratulations for your award, Nibha and thank you for sharing it with me! I was nodding my head to almost all the points you listed, except for 5, 6 and 9
Thank you so much Shilpa

I hope you accept the award.
I’m glad you found the similarities, looking forward to know you better
Congratulations!!! Sunshine is always welcome, but this is special sun for you, and no doubt helps calm the jitters about A to Z. The sun badge is “glowful”!!!
Thank you Sammy
Indeed the needed sunshine in times of darkness!
Congratulations on the award
Thank you so much
congrats nibha
u surely deserves this! keep rocking or shining perhaps 
Thank you so much Swathi
We have many points in common I see.
8 of them. Except for five and eight.
Took half a year, but here I am
Thanks for honoring my blog
I have accepted it.
As said it’s better late than never