Alone She Sat…
This post is written in response to the Write Tribe Festival of Words: Day 1- 9 Sentence Fiction .
She sat there alone in the park.
There was no one to adore her, love her, hang out with her or wanted to be like her anymore.
She would just sit there for hours looking at the kids playing and remembering good old days of her stardom.
Once in a while a kid would come near her, but her scars scared them away.
There were times when out of her arrogance, she had rejected everyone who had loved her.
And now she sat alone with no one to love.
There had been no calls ever since this happened.
She still held an year old copy of The Times of India in her hands .
“Top Fashion Icon scarred for life in an unfortunate fire accident“, the front page headline read.

It is so important to take our success in a level headed manner. Life is after all a mixture of happiness and grief. The good deeds of our good times alone accompany us during our trials.
Glad to have come across your space through write tribe. This is a very nice take on the theme.
Not everyone is down to earth enough, so as to not to let success captive him/her!
Thank you for stopping by! 🙂
That’s very sad.
I hope she finds a good cosmetologist. These days it’s easier with advanced technologies.
Yes it is! But there’s no doctor for scars of the heart!
Tragic about the scar but the bigger tragedy is her lack of friends. And what person doesn’t call to inquire after a scar victim? That’s just not done! Good write up.
Its so happens that a person neglects friends when on top which leads to a lonely downfall in the end!
Thank you for stopping by 🙂
Some words missing in the last line.It is a cruel fate and the scars do keep away people insensitively.
Which words missing?
Cruel fate can keep people alone at times!
The scars are more evident on her mind rather on her face and she needs a good doctor to take care of them.
Some scars hurt mentally more than physically!
Sometimes adversity has opposite effects that is they bring out great strength and help us rise to heights we never dreamed of. But getting there is a long and hard road. We are so conditioned by outer beauty that we often forget that there is a beautiful person inside.
Yes, I too wonder why this outer beauty is of more importance than the person’s virtue! 🙁
Very poignant. Our own negativity and rejection brings about more.
Yup! Like attracts like!
Thanks for stopping by 🙂
A painful reality, this is . Nibha. Sad that it happened with her ; not just the scar, but the people around her ignoring her You’ve conveyed it beautifully in crisp writing. Well done !
Thank ypu so much Sreeja 🙂
Indeed it is important to respect and pay attention to people in our life. Brilliant story. Well written.
And when we don’t, we are neglected too!
Thank you for stopping by 🙂
So sad that appearances matter so much! Well written, Nibha!
Thank ypu Vidya 🙂
Life comes a compplete circle always!
Yes indeed! As we sow so shall we reap!
Your post just reminds me to talk to my closest friend, whom i am ignoring for sometime. Good friends are for keeps. So in times of our need they are there to comfort us and vice versa.
I hope everything is fine between you and your friend! Good friends are rarest ti find!
Thanks for stopping by 🙂
I hope she finds peace …a sad tale
I hope so too! Thanks for stopping by kajal! 🙂
sad reality of life… when good times are there, everyone is around. Once you’re scarred ( physically or socially) everything changes, doesn’t it?
Yes most of the time! But people treat us the way we treat them when we taste success!
Thanks for stopping by 🙂
How things change in life! Reality are always painful and the best way is to stay grounded.
if only everyone could be down to earth!
Thanks for stopping by! 🙂
Ignoring people when the going in good is a good indication that we will be alone when the going is bad. It is always important to not let success go into out heads. Nicely done Nibha.
Success can spoil us sometimes!
Thanks for stopping by Jyothi 🙂
such a sad story….I hope someone comes around to forgive & call her soon!
may be.. but she brought this herself!
Well written! This brought out the sad yet realistic scars of our society!
truly said aditi!
She got all the attention for her beauty, but the sad thing is beauty is temporary, she could have worked on making herself a good person… Sad
Yup, After all, being a good person is the most important thing!
A very powerful read and complete within nine sentences..
Thank you Richa! 🙂
Aah! It’s sad that she is alone at this juncture. But one should never let success get to his/her head. Money and success can’t buy a person’s trust or guarantee a good relationship. One earns these through their words and actions.
So few people understand this very fact of life!
People can’t see the inner beauty and reject the outwardly scarred….sad.
sad but its true!
Sad. We don’t realize that external beauty is just a passing thing. Today you are young and beautiful Tomorrow you may be old and haggard. But what really matters is inner beauty. It remains with you till the end.
Lovely, thought provoking post.
Thank you so much 🙂 only if people thought this way!